

Thank you to all of our generous donors.

Your donations help our residents in many ways. By raising funds, we can continue providing high-quality long-term care for the residents of our community. You may designate a gift in honor of or in memory of a loved one.

Donations can be made on our online form, cash, or check in person or by mail. Please contact Jonathan Wales with questions at 901-272-7405.

If you would like to donate in other ways, we can always use donations of non-cash items, which are used for our residents for Bingo prizes and other Activities. Items that are always needed include: body wash, boxes of Kleenex, jewelry sets, nail polish, lotion, stuffed animals, Knick knacks and batteries. 

If you are interested in donating your time, please see the Activity Calendar for more information on day to day events at KDSH.

We would like to thank the following for gifts received throughout 2022. Through your contributions we can continue to serve those in need.


Not Specified

Federal Express

First Horizon Employees

FedEx Employees

Amazon Smile


Harmon Sharp

Elizabeth Obrochta

Silver Tea

Baptist Trinity Hospice

Harmony Circle

Jean Tugwell

Delia Wages

Ruth Teegarden

Silver Cross Circle

Babs Lusk

Outreach Circle

Whatsoever II Circle

Vivian Yewell

BedHold Funds

Jane Kirchoff

Christmas Gifts

Sheila Holz

Elizabeth Coors

Tommie Dunavant

Jennifer O'Keeffe

Mellisa Rainer

Ted O' Brien's Christmas Angels

Walthal Family

Annual Meeting

Cash Donation

Babbette Lusk

Carolyn Skaggs

Silver Cross Circle

Memorials and Honorariums

In Memory of Kathleen Truehart

Gayle Templeton

Beverly Homgren

In Memory of Betty Smith

Friends of the Needy

Nancy Hart

Nancy Owen

Kay Yewell

Gayle Templeton

Jerry Bise

Annie Holmes

In Memory of Agnes Stocks

Elaine Covin

LRK Family

In Memory of Marvin Ahl

Dr/Mrs Terry Templeton

In Memory of Barbara Tugwell

Babs Lusk

Vicki South

Jean Tugwell

Dr/Mrs Terry Templeton

John & Lisa Bobango

Nursing Home Week/ Nurses Week/ CNA Week

Cornerstone Caregiving

Healthcare Services Group

Supply 360

Crossroads Hospice

Guardian Pharmacy

Dr. Elbert Hines

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